Tara is an android, a robot with human appearance,
having a metal frame and synthetic rubber skin.
MP3 sample, electricity song.
MP3 sample, brutal v1 song.
Brief sample video clip in real media format, 1 Megabyte.
This link has free and pay players for real media format:
Click here if you want to download all 5 of the music videos as AVI files
that play on Mac or PC:
Click here for program that plays the AVI files on Mac or PC:
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Tara can sing but not do much else yet, watch for
upgrades that will be done as soon as possible
that will add a lot of excitement to the next videos.
Dvd's are available here
with 5 music videos, Cd's also available with just music.
Cd's have 6 songs, one being an instrumental version.
Tara will not be doing any live appearances at least
until the hardware upgrade is done.
lead singer: Tara
android designer,
camera operator,
video editor,
song writer,
and everything else: John Bergeron
All music was made on the computer with software
simulating the analog bass and other instruments.
see more androids:
Email: John Bergeron
Last updated: Feb 2006.